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๐Ÿ”จ The Forge & Custom Items

The Forge is a very special feature that let's players craft new powerful items.


You can get all custom items by executing: /getitems
To get any item, execute: /givecustomitem [item name] [player name]

How to edit items?โ€‹

You can edit the parameters of custom items by going to: unlimited_adventures/CustomItems/items.yml

How to change recipes?โ€‹

Edit recipes for custom items by going to: unlimited_adventures/CustomItems/recipes.yml

How to unlock a recipe?โ€‹

If you have it enabled in the config, players will be required to unlock a recipe first, before they can forge an item.
In that case, you can unlock items for the players by executing /forgeunlock [player name] [item name], for example: /forgeunlock Steve1337 adventure_backpack

2 Placeholders available:โ€‹

%valiant_craftingunlocked_ITEM%returns 'true', if crafting of the specified item is unlocked.
%valiant_cancraft_ITEM%returns 'true', if the player has required items to craft the item.