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🪃 Custom Items

Unlimited Adventures is equipped with a powerful, built-in custom items system.
This page will explain how to create new custom items, modify them and how to summon them.

How to get custom items

You can access custom items menu by executing: /getitems
To get a specific item, execute: /giveitem [item name] [player name] [amount]

➕ How to add new items?

It's really easy to add new items, read more below:

🗒️ All custom items are found in: unlimited_adventures/CustomItems/items.yml:

name: "&aTraveler's Backpack"
item: stick
custom_model_data: 501
model_custom_model_data: 101
- ''
- "&7Basic backpack. Can fit 18 items."
rows: 2
item_id: traveler_backpack
name: "&aAdventurer's Backpack"
item: stick
custom_model_data: 502
model_custom_model_data: 102
- ''
- "&7Sizeable backpack. Can fit 36 items."
rows: 4
item_id: adventure_backpack

➕ You can add new items simply by duplicating an existing item from the config and changing it's name and properties to your liking:

name: "&6Dinosaur Sword"
item: diamond sword
- "&7This sword belongs to"
- "a very cool dinosaur."

💎 On Unlimited Adventures, there are accessories you can wear in the gear menu. Let's create one:

name: "&aBelt of Vitality"
item: stick
custom_model_data: 720
- ''
- "&7Increases health."
- ''
- "§x&d&f&5&2&5&2+4 Health ❤"
- ''
- "§x&8&f&6&4&d&eᴀᴄᴄᴇssᴏʀʏ ɪᴛᴇᴍ"
health: 8
regeneration: 8
accessory: true

As you can see, I have specified the name, item type, custom model data (so the item can have it's own custom texture) and wrote a short lore description. But the most important things are down below, the health and regeneration statistics are applied on the player when he's wearing the accessory.

⚙️ Available attributes:

  • Strength
  • Health
  • Regeneration
  • Luck
  • Wisdom
  • Toughness
  • Speed
  • Fuel
  • Night_vision
  • Haste
  • Oxygen

🎨 Give your item a custom texture

Upload your new texture to the server resource pack

  1. First, you have to add the texture to your resource pack. You need to download it on your computer so you can update it.
  2. Put your texture in the assets/minecraft/textures/custom/items/ folder.
  3. Now you need to create a model for your texture, no matter whether it's 3D or not, this model allows us to create a brand new texture, instead of having to sacrifice existing Minecraft items:

Go to assets/minecraft/models/custom/items/. Create a new .json file or just copy the amethyst_axe.json and rename it to your items name. Edit its content:

"parent": "item/handheld", <--- Change this to "item/generated" if the item you're creating is not held like a tool.
"textures": {
"layer0": "custom/items/dino_sword"
  1. Now we need to link this model to a custom model data of an existing vanilla item - I'll use diamond sword.

Go to assets/minecraft/models/item/diamond_sword.json

"parent": "minecraft:item/handheld",
"textures": {
"layer0": "minecraft:item/diamond_sword"
"overrides": [
{ "predicate": {"custom_model_data": 730}, "model": "custom/items/bone_sword"},
{ "predicate": {"custom_model_data": 731}, "model": "custom/items/emerald_sword"},
{ "predicate": {"custom_model_data": 732}, "model": "custom/items/copper_sword"},
{ "predicate": {"custom_model_data": 733}, "model": "custom/items/amethyst_sword"},
{ "predicate": {"custom_model_data": 734}, "model": "custom/items/crocodile_sword"},
{ "predicate": {"custom_model_data": 735}, "model": "custom/items/venomous_fang_dagger"},
{ "predicate": {"custom_model_data": 736}, "model": "custom/items/dino_sword"}

We are linking it to the path of the model we have created in the previous step. Full path is assets/minecraft/models/custom/items/dino_sword.json

Update the item config

Now we'll add the just assigned custom model data to our custom item's config.


name: "&6Dinosaur Sword"
item: diamond sword
custom_model_data: 736 <----- Add this line! ⚙️
- "&7This sword belongs to"
- "a very cool dinosaur."

✏️ How to change crafting recipes?

Edit the Forge Block recipes for custom items by going to: unlimited_adventures/CustomItems/recipes.yml

- 1 of tnt
- 3 of string
- 3 of iron ingot
- 5 of string
- 3 of slimeball

🔓 How to unlock a recipe?

⚙️ If you have enabled it in the config, players will be required to unlock a recipe first, before they can forge an item.
In that case, you can unlock items for the players by executing:
/forgeunlock [player name] [item name], for example: /forgeunlock Simon adventure_backpack

2 Placeholders available:

%valiant_craftingunlocked_ITEM%returns 'true', if crafting of the specified item is unlocked.
%valiant_cancraft_ITEM%returns 'true', if the player has required items to craft the item.