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🔨 Adventure Apparel

Adventure Apparel is an exclusive, custom-coded system that allows your players to wear visible, fully 3D backpacks and tools on their body!

How to edit Adventure Apparel config?​

You can edit the parameters of Adventure Apparel system by going to: unlimited_adventures/AdventureApparel/config.yml

Players cannot teleport or use a command​

Due to Spigot limitations, Adventure Apparel might sometimes block teleportation. This is impossible to fix. However, we have created a workaround, that should allow you to use teleportation commands as usual.

Please go to the AdventureApparel config.yml and locate 'teleport-commands:'. It's at the bottom of the file.
Now add all commands that don't work on your server to this list.
This should fix your issue, if it doesn't, please make a report on our Discord.