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๐ŸŽฏ Adventure Pass

We take pride in having the best Battle Pass implementation out there. This guide aims to make the usage of this solution as easy as possible.

Where is the config?โ€‹

You can find the Adventure Pass config file in: unlimited_adventures/AdventurePass

How to start/reset the season?โ€‹

If you'd like to reset the current season (all players' progress, levels, XP and rewards), you have to execute this command:
/adventurepass newseason

How to add Adventure Pass XP to a player?โ€‹

You can easily add Adventure Pass Experience to a player by using the /adventurepass givexp command, example:
/adventurepass givexp [player] [amount]

๐Ÿ“ฆ How to change Adventure Pass rewards?โ€‹

You can easily add, change or remove rewards from our Adventure Pass system.
In order to do so, you need to find the unlimited_adventures/AdventurePass/rewards.yml config file.

4 Types of rewards available:โ€‹

๐Ÿ’ฐ Gold Rewardsโ€‹

In order to add a gold reward, you have to type in:
gold [amount], for example: gold 500

๐Ÿ’Ž Gems Rewards:โ€‹

In order to add a gems reward, you have to type in:
gems [amount], for example: gems 500

๐Ÿ”จ Item Rewards:โ€‹

In order to add a gold reward, you have to type in:
[amount] of [item], for example: 5 of iron sword.

Enchantments are also supported:
iron sword of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3

You can even use names!
iron sword named "&6&lPowerful Sword" of sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 and unbreaking 3

You can make the item unbreakable:
unbreakable iron sword named "&6&lPowerful Sword" of sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 and unbreaking 3

๐Ÿ’ป Command Rewards:โ€‹

You can use commands as rewards, by doing as following:
command premiumcurrency PLAYER_NAME add 100

15 Placeholders available:โ€‹

%valiant_battlepass_rewardavailable%This placeholder returns "true", if the player has available, unclaimed rewards.
%valiant_battlepass_premium%This placeholder returns "true", if the player has the Premium Pass.
%valiant_battlepass_page%This placeholder returns the Adventure Pass Menu page that the player is on (the page that contains his current Adventure Pass level)
%valiant_battlepass_rewardavailable_LEVEL%This placeholder returns "true", if player has an available, unclaimed reward for the specified Adventure Pass level.
%valiant_battlepass_dq_timeuntilreset%This placeholder returns the time until the Daily Quest resets.
%valiant_battlepass_wq_timeuntilreset%This placeholder returns the time until the Weekly Quest resets.
%valiant_battlepass_dq_timeuntilexpiration%This placeholder returns the time until the Daily Quest expires.
%valiant_battlepass_wq_timeuntilexpiration%This placeholder returns the time until the Weekly Quest expires.
%valiant_battlepass_dq_number%This placeholder returns the Daily Quest ID number. (used for display purposes in the CP menu)
%valiant_battlepass_wq_number%This placeholder returns the Weekly Quest ID number. (used for display purposes in the CP menu)
%valiant_battlepass_level_progress_percent%This placeholder returns the progress towards the next Adventure Pass level in percentage.
%valiant_battlepass_level_progress_graphic%This placeholder returns the progress towards the next Adventure Pass level in the form of a colored progress bar.
%valiant_battlepass_level%This placeholder returns the player's Adventure Pass level.
%valiant_battlepass_xp%- This placeholder returns the player's Adventure Pass experience amount.
%valiant_battlepass_xp_need%This placeholder returns the player's Adventure Pass experience amount needed to level up.