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How to choose my server hardware?

· 2 min read

CPU, RAM and disk space are the most important components of your server. In this post you will find out how to choose those specs wisely!

❓ Which specifications are the most important?

  • 💻 CPU - the engine of your server (metaphorically, literally the engine is Bukkit, Paper, etc.). Faster CPU = more performance.
  • 💾 RAM - used by your server to hold the currently used data about your server's worlds, players, mobs and plugin data. The more RAM you have, the more capacity your server has to operate.
  • 💿 Disk space - allows you to store your world map along with all the fancy (and not fancy) builds your players have created!

💻 How to choose the CPU?

  • Your CPU should be modern, avoid hostings that offer old CPUs like Xeon 2560. You should google the CPU name and check it's release date. If it's older than 6 years old, I would reconsider using such a hosting.
  • Game server CPU needs great single-core performance and high clock speed. Aim for high-end CPUs or at least mid tier.

💾 How much RAM do you need?

You can read more about RAM in our article.

💿 How much disk space do I need?

  • Ensure that you are getting SSD or NVME storage, no HDD! Don't worry about choosing between SSD and NVME because while in theory NVME is much faster, the real world difference is not very noticeable.
  • Calculate how much space your world will occupy using this tool
  • Add at least 5GB of space on top of all that just to be safe. You should know how much space you need at this point.

➡️ Learn more about RAM in our guide
➡️ Check out our guide on choosing your server hosting